Rosa Ortega The Ten-Minute Activist has acted on behalf of Rosa Ortega before. Ms. Ortega is a Mexican-born woman, a legal resident, who has lived in this country since infancy. She registered to vote in an election out of ignorance that citizenship was a requirement and subsequently voted. She was arrested and sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment followed by deportation after aggressive prosecution by a DA determined to flex muscle and use her as a scapegoat. She is not the only one to suffer from this harsh and disproportionate punishment as she has four minor American-born children who were deprived of their mother. Thanks to pro bono legal counsel, she has since been released on bail pending an appeal, but she remains at risk of imprisonment and deportation. There is a press conference being held today (11/1) outside Senator Cornyn’s Houston office, hosted by Service Employees International Union of Texas, to publicize her plight and to prevail upon Senator John Cornyn, ICE Acting Director Thomas Homan, and DHS Director Elaine Duke to work together to administratively close Ms. Ortega’s case and prevent her imprisonment and deportation. Action: Call Senator Cornyn to say you support what SEIU are asking for at today’s press conference: free Rosa Ortega, close her case, and let her go home to her American children. Call: (202) 224-2934 or (713) 572-3337. Also: Read about Rosa Maria Hernandez and sign the petition.
Defend Mueller’s Investigation There are two bills before Senate which seek to prevent the president from sabotaging Mueller’s investigations. The bills are the Graham-Booker bill, S. 1735, Special Counsel Independence Protection Act, and the Tillis-Coons bill S. 1741, Special Counsel Integrity Act. Both of these bills would make it illegal for the president to fire the special counsel without judicial review. At this time when prosecutions are being made, it is vital to prevent any White House interference with the independent counsel. Action: Call your senators and ask them to co-sponsor S. 1735, the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act, and S. 1741, the Special Counsel Integrity Act. These acts are both bipartisan, and there is no valid reason any senator should not wish to support them. Apologies - due to an administrator being in transit in the middle of a move, this is today's offering for y'all's viewing pleasure. And/or catch up with last week's actions. Jr and His Soulettes Enjoy the story of Jr and His Soulettes and the accompanying musical taste treat. Honest Ads Act Bills have been introduced into the House (HR 4077) and Senate (S.1989) which would require transparency and disclosure for Internet advertising. Campaign finance laws already mandate that companies which sell television and radio ads related to campaigns or elections must reveal the identity of the advertiser and the content of the advertisement. The Honest Ads Act would simply add “digital and internet communication” to the forms of media already covered by law. Action: 1. Contact your Member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor HR 4077, the Honest Ads Act. If they are already a co-sponsor, thank them. 2. Contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor S. 1989, the Honest Ads Act. If they are already co-sponsors thank them. Raise the Wage Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), with 30 co-sponsors, has introduced S.1242 Raise the Wage Act. A similar bill, H.R. 15 has been introduced into the House and co-sponsored by 165 Democrats. Action: The bill has been submitted to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. Call the Committee’s office and ask that a hearing be scheduled to discuss S. 1242/H.R. 15 Raise the Wage Act. 202-225-4527 Send Bob Some Love Bob Corker, a two-term senator from Tennessee has become Trump’s most outspoken Republican critic. Here are some examples: When first elected to the Senate, Corker said he did not plan to serve more than two terms, in order to preserve his independence. As he comes near to the end of his second term, he demonstrates the value of this autonomy, an autonomy which is all too often lost by politicians whose goals become muddied by a desire to promote their careers rather than the interests of their constituents. Action: 1. Send Senator Corker a message of thanks and appreciation by: Fax:; or Phone: (202) 224-3344; or Email:; or Snail mail: U.S. Senate, Dirksen Senate Office Building, SD-425, Washington, DC 20510 2. GOP Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona is also deserving of some accolades. He has had some mighty harsh things to say about the POTUS. Contact him to thank him for speaking the truth: EPA Muzzles Scientists The Trump administration barred three government scientists from presenting climate change research at a conference in Rhode Island this week. Three respected EPA scientists, one of them scheduled to give the keynote address, were pulled at the last minute without any reason being given. This blatant censorship is an attack on scientific independence and objectivity. Action: 1. Contact Scott Pruitt of the EPA to strongly protest this disgraceful stifling of scientific inquiry and discussion: [email protected]. If you like, you can copy Oczkowski on the email. 2. Contact Autumn Oczkowski, the EPA scientist who was scheduled to be the keynote speaker, and express your solidarity with her efforts to share her research and your shock that she was prevented from speaking: [email protected]. If you like, you can copy Pruitt on the email. 3. If you have Twitter, tweet to the EPA: ACA Stabilization Bill Trump recently axed cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers selling marketplace plans. The loss of subsidies will cause many insurers to leave the market place entirely and others to dramatically raise their premiums. Many legislators realize that the ensuing chaos would be in no one’s interests, and there is broad bipartisan support for a bill to stabilize the ACA and restore subsidies. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) have introduced the ACA Stabilization Bill with 12 Democratic and 12 Republican co-sponsors. Action: 1. Call your Senators to ask if they are co-sponsors of the Alexander-Murray ACA Stabilization Bill. If they are, thank them. If not, ask them to become a co-sponsor. 2. Send a message to Senator Alexander and Senator Murray, thanking them for introducting this much-needed legislation and for their bipartisan cooperation. Sunday - a good day to contemplate how we can be more like Aaron Alex Courtney. |
November 2019